Jain Social Group Pune Generation Next

About Us

  Benefits to JSG Pune Generation Next Members:
Supportive environment full of family spirit.
Getting opportunities for mingling with like minded families.
Psychological comfort leading to reduced stress due to frequent events and contacts among members.
Propagation of a culture based on non-violence and cooperation that benefits all strata of society.
Social networking with a common thread of Jainism.
More than 9+ programs that includes picnic, drama, in-house talent programs, musical events etc.

  Objectives of Jain Social Group :
Bringing all Jain Community ( Deravasi, Sthankvasi, Digamber, Terapanthi etc. ) under one platform.
Organising programs, gatherings, talks, meetings and panel discussion for the group members where group member can interact with each other freely.
Provide wholesome entertainment to the members.
Make them aware about prevailing social, cultural, educational, moral, economic and national issues.
Arranging workshops and personality development programs.
Promote close contact and brotherhood among the members
Encouraging arts, oratory, scholastic and leadership qualities of the members and their children.
Arranging gatherings , conventions or joint programmes with one or more JSG Groups or with any other social, cultural, educational or religious organization.


The Jain Social Group Pune Generation Next formed in the year 2010 under the charter of Jain Social Group International Federation. Jain Social Group of Pune Gen Nxt adopted the constitution of their Parent organization as their operating guidelines. The group consists of married couple from any strata of Jain.


To promote Family values under the platform of cultural activities and to bring all Jains as united for future generations. This is the link to establish and promote their life in the same community under the same religion.


The group is run and managed by an Executive Committee which generally consists of 10-12 elected members from the group. Elections are being held every two years and supervised by an independent Election Committee. The elected Committee members then create among themselves Positions such as President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, etc.

Membership dues of Couple Membership are decided and collected by the Committee. Out of this revenue the Committee provides 7 to 10 outstanding Programs during the year. All accounts are always open for proper evaluation. The group files audit every year.
Various kinds of Programs are being organized on eve of Diwali, Navratri, Christmas, Valentines, etc. The Committee also Organizes Outdoor and/or overnight Picnics & Parties. Cultural activities like Dramas and Movies are also organized. Educational Seminars, Children's Programs will be arranged by the Committee in coming years.
We always invite suggestions from the Members and proper attention is given to every suggestion. Every Executive Committee Member works hard to bring Jain Families together to share Cultural and Family values with only one Goal... 

Together, Talk Together, Act with One Mind"

"Work Together, Talk Together, Act with One Mind"

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